Moon over Yuma, January 24th 2010
Another thing I am green at is running. I started 3 weeks ago and I am really enjoying it. I can run one mile and I am very proud of myself for that one mile. Today I ran my one mile in 12 minutes. I am proud of myself for that too (so take that all you 6 minute mile runners!). Today was also one of the first days of running where I felt good at it, I pushed myself a little harder, I ran a little faster and I didn't feel like I would actually die at the end. So here's to being a little less green at that too!
Not to disappoint, I also had a green dinner.It was what, when Chris asks what is for dinner and I don't have the foggiest, I call a mish-mash dinner. Tonight I opened the fridge and saw 3 half used containers of basil, about 15 pine nuts and about 2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese (not green, thank goodness) just waiting to meet their maker. And so the only obvious answer was pesto. Yummy! Paired with the end of a box of gluten-free pasta and a chicken thigh from the freezer it was quite a feast. To add some festivity I finished off a bottle of sparkling grape juice from New Year's Eve (in a green bottle of course) and it was an excellent vintage.
Here are some other green things I adore.
Kermit the Frog
Our bedroom wall
Dark green tic-tacs
I hope you too had a colorful day. Go on, tell me what color it was or what color you wish it had been...
And some things are Sour..
Like finding your sweet and innocent puppy looking like this.
Sometimes sweet is cooking a delicious meal with your other half.
And sometimes Sour is seeing a breakfast dish and knowing you won't make him another breakfast for six months.
Some moments are Sweet.
Like dog piles and self-portraits.
Some moments are Sour.
Like "See you laters"
Today I said "see you later" to my best friend, he will be deployed with the United States Marine Corps for six months and that is Sour indeed.
Lucky for me I will love him just as much then as I do now. Lucky for me I have an amazing support system here at home.
Lucky me, I have a Sweet friend who made sure I got my run in today and got those endorphins kicking.
Lucky me, I have cheerful things like peacock feather headbands, to brighten my attitude and make going out of the house seem Sweet.
Lucky me, I have dark chocolate M&M's, which always make life Sweet.
And so, while things may seem pretty Sour at times over the coming months, I will keep my chin up and remember that our love is Always Faithful.