Despite the fact that my last post was over a year ago I still have a habit of viewing my life events from an aspect of blogging them. What colorful words could I use to describe how Graydon runs back and forth from one end of the house the the other chasing the dog, squealing and tripping over his own feet? Would that last picture of Eleanor with her entire fist in her mouth be a good one for the blogosphere? In the end the truth is that blogging is a much better way for me to document my rapidly growing off spring than the random notecards and pages of different journals that hold their other milestones.
I will attempt to dive back in, though I am sure my words will be less eloquent than the ones of years know, back when I had time to crack open a thesaurus after dinner...
When we last met I was raising one wild little baby and waiting for my best friend to come home from deployment, ah how quickly life changes! As I write this I am sitting at my kitchen table in Monterey, California, upstairs TWO children sleep and my husband is off on a long bike ride in the middle of a workday. One year ago we moved to Monterey for Chris to attend Naval Postgraduate School for 2 years. On the drive from Yuma to Monterey I discovered the happy news that I was pregnant and in February our family was completed with the birth of Eleanor.
Graydon turned two with full force and is a joy and a challenge to parent. His favorite word is No, he wishes everything was blue and believes in earnest that "two" is the right answer to any question regarding numbers. e laughs and dances and runs everyplace but also has a very serious and contemplative side, he focuses and is cautious around new people and places. He calls me Mama and melts my heart but he wakes up in the morning demanding, "Daddy!". Gray and Loki are best pals and Graydon likes to emulate all things dog; sniffing, putting his face in the water bowl, walking on all fours, lifting his leg and saying"pee"... We have daily adventures and some of our favorites include the beach, the aquariums, the farmer's market and nature hikes behind the house where he likes to look for beetles.
Eleanor is my little spit fire, we were thrilled to learn she was a girl and she gifted me with the VBAC that I coveted and worked hard to achieve. She loves to be talked to and held but she can fall asleep on her own in the crib. She nurses like a champ and only wakes up 2-3 times a night. She rolls from her back to her belly and scoots her ways forward to get to her toys. She has brown hair and blue eyes (what? How?) and though she entered the world at an impressive 9 lbs 6.2 oz she has already shown herself to be more petite than her brother; she only has one extra chin.
Chris is working towards a Master's in Operational Research and he works hard to et his studies done at school so we can be a family at home. He loves Monterey for its running weather, hiking trails, gorgeous coastline and yummy eats.
I am slowly adapting to life as a Mama to two. I try to leave the house everyday and I am working hard to find new adventures to take my littles on. I love Monterey for is water, farmer's markets, new places to eat and because many dear friends live here.
See you soon!