Sauce on the Side
Today we ran errands.
And by "we" I mean myself, Taylor and Mckenna.
They behaved while we wandered Target and they behaved while we bought Chris a cell phone cover and me a blue-tooth at AT&T. I promised them (and one year olds who cannot yet talk are big on holding you to promises...)that if they behaved through those two stops we would have frozen yogurt.
So I got them out of their car seats and into the double stroller at the third stop of the day and we split a delicious cup of sugar free strawberry frozen yogurt.
Mckenna was half asleep in her seat but Taylor was all about it. I think that girl ate half the cup all by herself! She had her own spoon and would try scooping her own bite. Once scooped she wanted to feed me the bite and have me feed her a bite. A-Dorable.

(Classic "my cup is empty" Taylor face)

After that we headed to the Post Office where Taylor charmed the long line and Mckenna slept.
It was a great day!
Tomorrow night I am headed to Denver to attend a friend's wedding. Maybe after this trip I will be home long enough to wash all my clothes and put them away instead of straight back into a suitcase!
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