My family likes food. I am not ashamed of this fact. Sure, some of us *me* could stand to lose a few pounds but it is not like we are morbidly obese or something. As a result of ourlove for food we also love to cook. See, you thought we were just drive-through junkies when in reality we are wannabe foodies!
When Kate and I got down from the cabin last week we needed a dinner plan. A quick trip to the grocery store later and we were in the kitchen with ingredients for grilled pizzas and low-fat brownies. I handled the pizza grilling since I have done it before. We used pre-made pizza dough since our empty tummies were rumbling and we needed pretty quick satisfaction.
We topped half the pizzas with mozzarella, fresh tomato and fresh basil and the other half with muenster cheese and prosciutto.
Kate worked on the brownies with a new found recipe that uses nothing but a box of low-fat brownie mix and a pureed can of black beans.
The result was some exceedingly moist brownies, they were yummy but definitely a more cake like texture than fudgey.
Later that week Mama, Kate and I decided it was time for a little tradition.
Tea Time. Huzzah!
My Mama, sister and I have always loved having tea parties and as we grew up the tradition expanded. We used to go to the Brown Palace in Denver for high tea once a year before school started. My sister also took me there for high tea before I got married. However, we are a
go-getter group of ladies and we can whip together a pretty spiffy high tea all on our own. 
We rolled up our sleeves and put on our aprons, you can see the aprons here. We made some delicious scones, salmon and cream cheese sandwiches, cucumber sandwiches, olive and cream cheese sandwiches.
There were juicy organic strawberries and lavender truffles. We splurged on lemon curd and devonshire cream for our scones.
There was a big pot of tea and lots of lovely conversation. Any time with my sissy and my Mama is a great time but tea time is especially lovely!
Friday I head home to Yuma with my precious pups. 
It will be nice to be home and while i will miss my Mom, Dad and Kate and Colorado
it will be amazing to have Chris back with me again shortly. I will hopefully have some fun road tripping tales and pictures to share with you soon!