John Denver knew what he was talking about when he wrote Colorado Rocky Mountain High. I spent the last 5 days at my family's house in Granby, Colorado. Time in the gorgeous mountains breathing clean, cool air and looking out on breathtaking vistas always recharges my soul. With Chris still gone (5 1/2 months now if you are counting...) my soul needs frequent recharging.
It was a perfect day, with the exception of missing my hunny.
On Father's Day we all went to breakfast at Carver's in Winter Park. With my belly full of fresh baked bagel, cream cheese and lox I was fortified for a hike. We headed to the Vasquez Wilderness area for a scenic trek.
The dogs had a blast and I was a proud Mama as Koda breezed through her first mountain hiking experience. Loki is an old pro and stayed on the path, only pausing to "own" *ahem...pee on...cough* the occasional shrub, tree stump or rock.
We snapped some great pictures and had a lovely time as a family as my Dad led us over streams and through the woods. 

At the top we discovered something about Koda. Apparently she thinks she is part seal or penguin. She spent at least 25 minutes sliding down the glacial snow that still lingers at the mountain tops. She sledded down on her belly, rubbed her face and sides into the cold and she dug holes that she could then bury her face in for 30 seconds at a time. It was probably the cutest thing I have ever seen her do. 
After a few hours of hiking and playing we headed back into town and picked up some sandwiches from Rudi's Deli. We took a short 5 minute stroll down to the river for a more scenic spot to eat our lunch. Koda and Loki were too tired to even explore the water, they plopped down and napped while we ate.
We are getting so close to our reunion and I can't wait!
how fun! i love the pics girl. you are so adorable. xoxoxo
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