Friday, Saturday and Sunday I drove from Denver to Yuma all by myself. Well, the dogs where there too, but as Chris said "Loki has no opposable thumbs and tends to drift to the left". To me this drive was a huge accomplishment. I do not like to drive long distances, I like to sleep in the passenger seat and wake up when we are there. Chris is pro at driving so when we are together he does about 80% of the driving. I drove 7 hours Friday, 5 Saturday and 5 Sunday. Yea Me!
We saw some different flavors of America.
We were sad to leave Colorado. 
We were not sad when this idiot stopped tailing us and finally just passed us.
We drove under beautiful clouds and stormy clouds. 
We passed "Wagon Mound Hill".
We stayed in Albuquerque.
We saw a really big shaggy dog.
Oh, wait. We saw a really big shaggy sheep!
I had a backseat driver.
We stopped for gas several times.
Loki and Koda almost blew away outside of Flagstaff.
I ate the best taco of my entire existence. No really, it was so good that after the first bite I went searching for my camera to show it to you. Yummy.
We checked out dog parks in Albuquerque and Flagstaff.
We observed some fascinating license plates.
I drove a long way without seeing another car so I took that chance for self picture taking.
We raced some trains.
We felt the heat rise and knew we were almost home. 
We made it!
What a beautiful drive!
Ok, now get back in that car and come back to me. I'm ready! Seeing Loki's sweet face made me want to hug him so know, there's enough dog hair left here though that I could probably make myself a life-sized Loki & Koda replica.
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