Sauce on the Side
My beautiful Mama came to visit me! We stayed up late talking, we made delicious meals, we ran errands, we started a sewing project and we drank a ton of tea.
Here we are showcasing our self-photo taking skills.
Here we are showcasing our self-photo taking skills.
Mama got to meet Taylor and Mckenna and hang out with us for a whole day of madness. Here they are at my house last week being their adorable selves.
We spent two hours in Jo-Ann's Fabrics and found this amazing polka dot fabric and lovely pattern that claimed it was "easy". Liar. Liar. Pattern on fire. Thank goodness my Mama was here to help me. She got in trouble for staying up until 2 am working on it one night, crazy Mama. Too bad it was too complicated and we didn't finish before she left, it may take me months to finish it. Here is the lovely Mama working her magic!
We made many wonderful meals full of amazing colors and tasty veggies. Here is a picture of dinner one night. We delighted in polenta, broccoli, beans and onions, roasted red peppers and portabello mushrooms. Yummy!
We went to see the Commandant's Own (Marching Band) and The Silent Drill Platoon perform on base. The band was very good and I loved how shiny their instruments were. I can only imagine how often they have to clean and polish them.
Since Chris has been away I haven't done too much on base. Just the normal stuff like grocery shopping and dinner at friends houses. Seeing all these guys in uniform really makes me miss my Marine. The ship he is on is somewhere in the Pacific ocean so please say a prayer that they remain unaffected by the tsunamis and earthquakes that have been messing with that area.
I hope you are all well and enjoying your week!
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