When Chris commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps I was about as proud of him as I have ever been. I was also just about as unsure about the future as I have ever been. I knew he would do six months of The Basic School in Quantico, Virginia but after that our future was a black hole. I packed up and moved to Virginia a few months after Chris started his training and I spent 2 whole days in our new apartment all alone. Then God blessed me in a way I never could have imagined. Chris called from work one day to tell me ,"Deboy and Ellison's wives are gonna take you out today". Ummm...ok...cool. What should I wear? What are their names? What if they don't like me?
A pretty classic photo of some classy ladies after a few drinks at Firkin.
A little jumping photo action in Baltimore.
Sarah, myself and Clare at the midnight release of Twilight (we were all obsessed).
After the guys graduated from The Basic School.
80's night karaoke for Tara's birthday.
Sarah and I with some fire power on Family Day.
Self photo skills in Baltimore.
And the men who brought us all together!
I had these thoughts for a few hours but they dissipated about 15 seconds after I met Clare and Tara. The two amazing women have become such beautiful inspirations and supports in my life. They introduced me to Brittany, Sarah and Caitlin. And the rest is history. We talked, cooked, went to lunch, took our pack of dogs to the beach, went to WaWa a billion times a week for Coke Zeros, shopped,sang karaoke, stayed up late watching movies and playing wii while our tired husbands slept (sometimes they slept inside sometimes they were gone for whole weeks in the field). We discussed life, love, faith and the Marine Corps. We became a family. I am proud to say these women have made me a better person.
When the six months in Virginia ended we were scattered to the winds. Me to Yuma, Caitlin stayed in Virginia but now lives in San Diego, Tara spent time in Oklahoma but now lives in North Carolina, Brittany was with Tara in Oklahoma but now she lives down the block from Caitlin in San Diego. Clare and Sarah were lucky enough to both be stationed in Hawaii. Can you tell how large and yet how small the Marine Corps family is? Do you need a flow chart to remember all the places we have lived? Yea....me too!
This week I am thrilled beyond belief to be heading to Hawaii to visit Clare and Sarah. It will be a recharge for my soul to see these ladies and catch up on life. The only sad part is that all six of us can't be together for this week. (Don't worry! Reunion in the works for the fall!) I will try to update you on the gorgeous Hawaiian adventures I will be having but until then here are some pictures of our time together in Virginia!
So here we are Brittany, Sarah, Caitlin, Me, Tara and Clare.

Have an amazing time! I know you will. I expect a full recap with pictures when you return! (And a phone call so I can hear all the intimate details...because I am privaledged and get to know things the blog doesn't. So I say.)
I got a little teary-eyed thinking about all of us in VA! I am so happy that you are coming out here! And your blogs are wonderful! :)
You are indeed privy to more than the blog, love you chipmunk!
What a blessing! I only hope the Army can produce such lovely friendships in the big black hole of our future. Have a wonderful time BSF!!! Splash in the ocean just a little bit for me!!
I cried...enough said! I miss everyone so bad it hurts sometimes...but this was nice to remember the good times. Can't wait for the fall!!!
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