Sauce on the Side

Also this week. Paperwork. Why is it that all the paperwork pertaining to our lives and cars and household always comes around while Chris is away? I think he is paying someone off to set it up in this manner. This paperwork includes, but is not limited to, renewing our lease, figuring out how to keep our Colorado car registration while living in Arizona (military loopholes people!) getting my name changed on my passport (umm...2 years of marriage you think I would have done it by now) finishing our taxes and ordering copies of Chris' college transcripts for a packet he needs to complete. Did I mention our office is a train wreck? Well it is,it hasn't been cleaned or set-up properly since we moved in, who can even find the paperwork amidst the mess. Next year it is all you baby...have fun.
And, to wrap up this weeks Sauce here are some too cute pictures of the girls. Seriously, I love these girls.

The past week has been very busy, sadly not all with exciting blog-worthy activities. However, as always, I will share them anyway! HA, so there.
Saturday I spent several hours washing the Jeep Cherokee. This I consider to be a favor to my husband, even though he is a million miles away and won't be home for 3 more months. I am an adult so I can admit my short comings (well, some of them) and taking care of cars has never been my strong suit. Sure I will throw out all the collected trash every few months and run them through a car wash if I have the right cash on hand. It is Chris who changes the oil and filters and makes sure he lovingly washes and vacuums the vehicles. So, spending the greater part of a Saturday cleaning every nook and cranny is indeed a gift for my beloved. It did feel good to accomplish it and the car looks wonderful...for now.
Saturday evening I watched the girls while their Mom and Dad went on a date. I spend 50 hours a week with them but have never fed them dinner or put them down for bed. It was a lovely evening. They had spaghetti and pineapple for dinner, took a bath and played with rubber duckies and then we watched Snow White on the Disney Channel. They had Cheerios, I had popcorn. They are too cute and I love to snuggle them!

Sunday I drove two hours round trip to El Centro to go shoe shopping...are you beginning to grasp the reality of me living in a small town? I HAD to get to a real shoe store and there is a DSW in El Centro so off I went. 5 pairs of shoes and 20 minutes wasted in the line for the boarder control checkpoint I was home and happy!
This weekend I watched my friend Bekah's dog Bailey while her husband and she ran the LA marathon (yes, she is a rock star). My dogs LOVE Bailey and it basically a play fest 24/7 when they are together. Except Sunday afternoon when they were to tired to even stand and this was the scene of doggie exhaustion littering my household. 

Random- Saw this creepy van in the Albertson's parking lot. I expected a creepy man to offer me some candy or ask me to help find his lost puppy...
You may think your every-day stuff isn't exciting but I truly love reading your posts. I miss you constantly and I love hearing about what's going on and seeing snapshots of your life. Your border patrol/fence picture made me think of our trip to San Diego!!
As always, I'm a sucker for pictures of the pups. The girls are adorable, as well.
And you, my sister, are simply gorgeous.
I agree with your - also gorgeous - sister! Fun to read about your life. Feels like I have a clue about what's happening with you (which I like). The look on your face is...well, classic.
Love you,
your aunti pasto
Oh. my. gosh.
these little ones are ADORABLE. Those faces, awwwwwwwww.
I die!
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